Cat Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Just like humans, our cat’s body changes as they get older. Care for our felines also needs to change alongside our cat’s bodily changes. When our pets start to slow down or show signs of ageing, it is important to talk to your veterinarian about geriatric or palliative care for them. Most cats are considered senior after 7-10 years.

What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of ageing?

As our cats advance into the later years of their life, they begin to show very subtle signs of ageing. Even though it may not be obvious, any changes should be noted and discussed with a veterinarian. We can help your pet remain comfortable and extend their quality of life at this stage.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

Weight loss is a common sign for many different disease processes. It can also depend on whether the weight loss is due to body fat or muscle wasting. You can book an examination with our veterinarian to initiate testing to find possible weight loss causes.

What are some tips on how to care for my senior cat?

Regular examinations are important for detecting and treating our senior cats before problems occur. We also recommend having blood work done to check and monitor organ function, electrolyte balances and blood cell production. Getting your cat on a senior food diet is essential as they formulate it in a way that your older cat will get more nutrients out of it. Joint supplements can be beneficial to an older cat, especially those with arthritis.

What are some common health issues experienced by senior cats?

Every animal is different and so are their lives. It is impossible to predict what ailments will affect our pets, but there are some common health issues we may see in older cats, including kidney disease, thyroid disease, dental disease, joint disease, diabetes, dementia, blindness and deafness.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

There is an array of reasons why animals may begin changing behaviour. It may be due to issues such as decreased vision, not being able to hear well and/or pain. Many diseases our older pets experience can alter hormone balances which may affect behaviour. Some cats may also experience dementia or senility with age.

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